Best Settings For Wp Super Cache

Speed Up Your Website With The Best Settings For WP Super Cache.

Do you want to improve the speed of your website?

There are many WordPress caching plugins including the WP Super Cache. There are many websites which are using this caching plugin for optimization.

What are the best settings for WP Super Cache plugin? Do you have any idea? You should know that plugins are the key factors of a WordPress website and you should know how to use them.

In this tutorial, you will have the proper settings of this caching plugin which would improve the speed of your website.

What Are The Effective Settings of WP Super Cache?

First of all, you should know how to install WordPress plugin.

There is another guide which can let you know the different ways to install plugins in WordPress. It’s not only from your WordPress admin panel.

But here, you just have to install it from the plugins’ section.

Search it, install and activate the plugin.

After activation, you will get an option of WP Super Cache in the settings’ section. Open it.

1. Easy Settings.

You will see the option to “on” and “off” the caching of the plugin. Select the “on” radio button to activate the caching of this plugin.

Click on update settings. There are many other settings which can improve the caching.

2. Advanced Settings.

In this section, you will see the different parts.

2.1. Caching.

You should choose the settings recommended by the plugin developer so that it won’t conflict with any other plugin.

Enable the cache for the quick access to your website. Allow the usage of PHP to server cache files.

2.2. Miscellaneous.

Select –

  • Compress pages so they’re served more quickly to visitors.
  • Cache rebuild. Serve a supercache file to anonymous users while a new file is being generated.

2.3. Advanced.

There are many options to choose from which, you have to select the mobile support option.

You should also select an option to clear the cache whenever you update or publish any post. Always check the homepage.

2.4. Expiry Time And Garbage Collection.

You should adjust the time for the garbage collection and the time period till which you should keep it.

You can use any value according to you. But you can choose one hour or more. It’s recommended to choose 1800 seconds instead of 3600.

Check the scheduler to the starting of the day and set it to “00:00:.

3. Preload Settings.

You can also use the recommended preload settings. Just click on the recommended settings shown in the plugin. The minimum time is 0 and the maximum is 30 minutes.

4. Cache Tester.

After finishing all the best settings for WP Super Cache, you can test the testing of this plugin.

In the starting page of the plugin’s setting in the “Easy” section. Scroll down and you will find a “Cache test” option.

Click on that option and the caching status of your file will be showing to you.

If you see the green “OK” for all the files then it means the plugin has started its working and you will see the changes within a few minutes.

Can You Now Do The Best Settings For WP Super Cache?

You should know that the speed of your website plays an important role. Even Google shows the websites which have less page loading time.

And for every website, you should have a better caching plugin like WP Super Cache, W3 Total cache etc.

I have mentioned the best settings for WP Super cache plugin in this tutorial. If you still have any doubt, feel free to clear it.

by Ravi Chahar

A WordPress Professional and the LinkedIn Influencer. A coder by passion and a blogger by choice. WordPress theme development is his forte. He is your WordPress guy who will teach you how to solve WordPress errors, WordPress security issues, design issues and what not.

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  1. Hey Ravi,

    Great tutorial about adjusting the settings for this plugin. These types of plugins can be very helpful to your site but they often come with little or no directions to get the best results, especially for a novice.

    Love the screenshots. They make it easy, taking the guess work out of what you should be looking at and doing.


    1. Hi Lea,

      Most of the WordPress plugins are laying down and no one knows the best use. It’s important to guide the users to have the benefit. This plugin can really help many people who are searching for a better caching plugin.

      Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

      Enjoy your day.


  2. Hi Ravi,

    You have inspired me to delve into my caching plugin. It is provided by my hosting company – and while I have it on, I really don’t know much about it or how it works.

    It’s been somewhere on my to do list – but I think it is time to bring it to the top.

    1. Hey Neena,

      There are a few web hostings like Siteground which has their own caching tool. But still, it’s important to know about the perks of WordPress caching plugins.

      Thanks for taking the time to drop your comment.

      Have an amazing day.


  3. Hey Ravi,

    Glad to read your informative post, it is really a amazing tutorial pertaining to setting for WP super cache. It is very simple to understand the whole mechanism due to superb informative images. It will really helpful for us and many more to maximize the speed of website. Eventually, thanks for sharing your informative thought with us.

    With best wishes,

    Amar kumar

    1. Hi Amar,

      Screenshots are the best things to add in a tutorial. People can understand it easily and trust that the settings are working perfectly. It’s important to show what you have done.

      Thanks for dropping your words.


  4. Thank you Ravi, for your valued article about wp super cache. I use the plugin and working very fine.

    How about WPFC plugin for cache wp site. started to love it.

  5. God only knows I was looking for this ?

    Now, since I use Flywheel hosting, this plugin is not allowed since it conflicts with Flywheel’s own Caching technology. But I am pretty sure it’s the best thing to help speed up your site.


    1. Hey Ash,

      Just like Flywheel, there are many web hostings which have their own caching tool. A few allow the use of any extra caching plugin. But if you think to use WP Super cache then these settings can bring a new speed.

      Thanks for stopping by.


  6. Hey Ravi,

    Great tutorial!

    I was stumped when I first install this plugin. I didn’t know what to do as far as the settings go.

    This post will be a great hope for people like me who doesn’t know website jargon that well. Especially when it comes to caching.

    Thanks for the share! Have a good one!

    1. Hi Sherman,

      For beginners, all the settings seem like a cyclone engaging everything. It’s important to find the right guide to improve the page loading time.

      Caching is very important for your website. Try to give it a boost.

      Thanks for sharing your experience.


  7. Hi Ravi,

    Super nice information you have shared. It is definitely going to help me and many. I have been using super cache since long, and now I am just going to tally my settings with your guide to see if I did everything right.

    1. Hey Atish,

      WP Super Cache is helping many users and it surely provides some amazing speed. I have used in my past and it’s pretty effective.

      Thanks for sharing your words.

      Enjoy your day.


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